


Nanotoxicology and nanomedicine: turning understanding to applications






Nanotoxicology and nanomedicine are both important issues related to the application of nanotechnology and nanomaterials. Understanding the biological properties of nanomaterials is the necessary for its further applications. In the past several years, we have studied the biocompatibility of carbon nanotubes and gold nanoparticles using in vitro and in vivo biological systems. Based on our experience on their biocompatibility, we propose potential biomedical applications of these functionalized nanomaterials. For example, having learned about the dynamic behavior of CNTs in mammalian cells, and their long terms effects in vivo in developing zebrafish, we build up the strategy to apply CNTs as the drug carriers for delivering anti-cancer drugs. Gold nanoparticles are also biocompatible nanomaterials, suitable for biomedical applications with limited cytotoxicity. We have applied gold nanoparticles in efficient chemotherapy applications focusing on overcoming multidrug resistance. In this seminar, we will share our experience on the nanotoxicology and nanomedicine studies of carbon nanotubes and gold nanoparticles


Professor Shuk Han CHENG (郑淑娴教授)

报告人简介:⑴、现在工作单位及职称 ⑵、主要研究方向 ⑶、学术成就简述(100字以内)


(2)Developmental and regenerative biology, nanobiological interface, nanomedicine

(3)Prof. Cheng has won many innovation awards at international exhibitions, including the Gold Medal at the 35th International Exhibition of Inventions, New Techniques and Products of Geneva in 2007 and 2 gold awards from the Korean International Women's invention Expositions in 2009 and 2010. She has published over 70 peer-reviewed research articles and some of them are among the Top 25 Hottest Articles in the Science Direct database. She is a member of the Editorial Boards of the journal Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine and the journal Developmental Dynamics. She is an overseas Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine (London).

接待单位联系人:曾建雄   电话:3600203

主办单位: 化学与材料科学学院,   外办(港澳台办)
