


Mobility of Radical on Amino-Acid and Peptide Radical Cations






Gas-phase charge-induced dissociations of even-electron protonated peptide ions in mass spectrometers are being widely applied for microsequencing for protein identification in proteomics, which are of great importance for deciphering genetic codes in the nature. It has been demonstrated that dissociations of odd-electron peptide radical cations can also provide sequence information, which is complementary to that obtained from their even-electron counterparts. The dissociation patterns are strongly dictated by the location of the charge and radical on the peptide radical cations. Understanding the mobility of charge and radical along the peptide backbone is of fundamental importance for improving the efficiency and precision of the database searching algorithms for protein identifications. In our studies, peptide radical cations [peptide]•+ have being generated via one-electron oxidative dissociation of ternary metal-peptide complexes [Metal(ligand)(peptide)]+. The importance of the radical chemistry of [peptide]•+ will be discussed


Dr. Chi-Kit Andy Siu (肖智杰)

报告人简介:⑴、现在工作单位及职称 ⑵、主要研究方向 ⑶、学术成就简述(100字以内)


(2)Computational chemistry,

(3)Dr. Siu obtained his PhD at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2003. He then supported by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Technical University of Munich, Germany, in 2003-2005. In 2005-2009, he was a research associate at York University, Canada. Now, Dr. Siu is an Assistant Professor at City University of Hong Kong. His researches, lying in the areas of biophysical/theoretical/computational chemistry, aim to understand chemical systems of biological relevance at the atomic levels. Over 30 research articles have been published in SCI journals, including four in Angewandte Chemie International Edition and two in Journal of the American Chemical Society.

接待单位联系人:曾建雄   电话:3600203

主办单位: 化学与材料科学学院   ,   外办(港澳台办)
